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Mady Zirlin

Hi! My name is Mady Zirlin and I am having my bat mitzvah this February. Selecting my mitzvah project was not easy, as I have learned of so many worthy organizations that require much support and attention. I was thankful to be introduced to the ISCD, Israeli Sports Center for the Disabled, this summer and was immediately drawn to the value it brings to so many boys and girls. I decided to support the Israeli Sports Center for the Disabled as my mitzvah project. The ISCD helps children with physical difficulties learn to see that they can push through their setbacks, no matter how devastating. I am a gymnast, and I chose this charity because I love to play sports. I recognize how fortunate I am to be able to train for the sport I love, gymnastics, almost everyday. However, there are some kids who may not be as lucky as I am to do all of the sports that they love. There are sports at the ISCD that disabled youth can participate in and have fun. I was able to meet Asael from the center. He explained to me how much the ISCD helped him to recover after a traumatic injury. He now plays basketball in a wheelchair. As a gymnast, I can’t even imagine what it is like for Asael and many others to get through even one practice let alone everyday life. I really admire the ISCD for helping kids still play sports even through their personal difficulties. Please recognize the truly uplifting work of this center, by donating to my mitzvah project.
Donate to My Mitzvah Project