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Noah Sabet

Our mitzvah project focuses on giving people opportunities. All our life we have loved sports, including basketball, tennis, and football. We can’t fathom the fact that people are deprived of the opportunity to play sports because of their physical disability. This is why we are dedicating our Mitzvah Project to the Israel ParaSport Center.

We attended a fundraiser for the Center in Los Angeles and were really touched by the athlete’s stories and how they were given so many opportunities through the Center. We met the players, saw them play a game of wheelchair basketball, and heard up close how the Center made their lives better.

The Israel ParaSport Center, located in Israel, allows Israelis who have physical disabilities and are not able to play competitive sports to do so. The Center supplies its community with wheelchairs, instructors, and a state-of-the-art facility with courts, fields, and pools. We are happy to be supporting this cause and helping people have the opportunity to do something that they love.

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